
Welcome to RoyaleAPI, the unofficial public API for Clash Royale! You can use our API to access Clash Royale API endpoints, which provides real-time information about players, clans, clan wars, tournaments and more.


We have sunsetted our public API starting on March 1st, 2020. Our website for end users will not be affected. Please read our blog postopen in new window for full details.

Proxy IP Update 2022-02-08

Supercell made some changes with how tokens are handled. Because of this, the proxy will no longer work with but you can create a new key with

You can see implementations of this API in Showcase by third-party developers and on our web site:

Wrappers in multiple languages are also available.

If you are new to development using REST APIs, we recommend that you try out Postmanopen in new window, which provides many useful tools for your daily development needs.

If you find this API useful, please consider donating so we can continue to provide this service free of charge to everyone.


The JSON structure may change over time. Please follow our Twitter @RoyaleAPIopen in new window or join our Discordopen in new window server for important updates.



The popular and tournament related endpoints are currently not implemented and will return a 501 Not Implemented error.

Support + Feature Requests

If you have a suggestion or an issue to report, please use the issue trackeropen in new window. We recommend that you search the issue tracker to check if someone else has already reported the issue and whether there is a known solution that you can use. This probably is the fastest way for you to find a solution to any issue that you are facing.

If you are adding a bug report, please add steps to reproduce the bug, exact request (method and URL) and response (including response code). Any additional information (console errors, screenshots) would be helpful.


If you are interested in talking to the team, we are there on Discord. Feel free to drop by and say hello. Our upcoming features and beta releases are discussed here along with deck advice and Die Hard quotes.

Join our Discord Server at: https://discord.royaleapi.devopen in new window

We are also available as @RoyaleAPIopen in new window on Twitter. Feel free to drop in a line wherever it is easiest for you. Twitter would be the best place for you to stay updated with latest news, features and releases regarding RoyaleAPI.


GithubSelfishopen in new windowsmlbiobotopen in new window
Twitter@selfishioopen in new window@seemingleeopen in new window


Main in new windowFeature requests, bug reports, etc.
Assets in new windowImage assets for cards, arenas, etc.
Data in new windowConstants as JSON.
Docs in new windowDocumentation.
UX in new windowUser experience, website feature request, family configs.


Discord (Dev) in new windowCommunity support and status updates
Discord (UX)https://discord.royaleapi.comopen in new windowUX and end-user support for non-developers
Twitter in new windowStatus updates.
Facebook in new windowFan page.
Last Updated:
Contributors: SML